Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Order in Society - 1253 Words

Keeping order in any society depends fundamentally on a police force to enforce laws and punish transgressors. However, a constant problem cities face has been not only ensuring that policemen do not abuse the power and authority they are given, but that no personal bias enters into their work. Police brutality against citizens involves the use of excessive force when physical action is unnecessary, and it springs from factors such as the race, religion, and socioeconomic status of civilians. Misconduct and violence by the police can occur during protests and demonstrations, or everyday encounters with citizens. Much of the police brutality in the last few decades of American history can be identified to be dependent on racial factors,†¦show more content†¦While these type of protests against racism were common in the 1960s, it is rare to hear of such anti-racist demonstrations today, equaling less opportunities for police misconduct. Added to the decline of racist tendencie s among Americans, police brutality due to racism has understandably taken a steep nosedive, and will continue to do so in the future. In contrast, police violence due to apparent economic status is sharply on the rise in the United States. Citizens are more concerned than ever about income inequality. As economic disparity becomes more of a social topic and people feel strongly internally about such issues, Americans protest more. These protests, demonstrations and marches are more opportunities for police brutality. The motivation for this violence and misconduct can be seen in the previously mentioned Harvard study, which shows that increased class conscience among middle and upper class Americans leads to a strong decline in empathy for the poor. The Occupy Wall Street Movement, for example, was a financially-motivated protest started by anti-consumerist protesters who called themselves â€Å"the 99%†. During the Occupy Wall Street Movement, although protesters marched pe acefully, inexcusable incidents of police violence were carried out. Pepper spray was used liberally, decorated war veterans were shot, skulls were fractured, womenShow MoreRelatedBirth Order And Its Impact On Society1344 Words   |  6 Pagesis the role birth order has on their personalities and lives. Is birth order necessarily important? Does it honestly affect our personalities? Birth order has been controversial issue since biblical times for example Cain and Abel and Jacob and Esau. Psychologists have a lot of assumptions about how that individual behaves and responds to life whenever a person is a first born, middle child, youngest child, or only child. The questions remains, what difference does birth order make, and how trueRead MoreSocial Order And Its Effect On Society1386 Words   |  6 PagesEvery day social order is taken for granted. 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